Your Enough

Reading time: 2 minutes


Knowing your Enough is knowing what you need in life. What is the bare minimum, what is a comfortable level, and what is unnecessary? Be happy with your Enough and feel supported by your Enough in the choices that you make.

Enough doesn’t necessarily mean scoring a low grade. You can strive for perfection if you’d like to. Be aware whether this is honestly your level of enough, or you raising the bars too high. I’ve found my Enough to be different than naturally present through upbringing when I deeply thought about it. The difference is both in topic (matter doesn’t really matter, relationships do matter) and level (money matters, I just need a lot less than I thought).

Enough can be a different level in various areas of life. You’ll probably have to dock a few points in areas if you want to excel in one specific area. This might be a worthy sacrifice if you are aware of your choices. On the other hand, scoring average in all areas is a sacrifice of another type. Make sure that whatever levels of enough you choose, they fit you and you’re content.

Question yourself often on the form of your Enough.

  • What is my Enough for money, matter, relationships, health, movement, etc.?
  • Am I willing to live according to my Enough?
  • When have I done enough for myself, others and the Earth?

Be critical of your own Enough and the Enough of others. Help each other form a clear vision of Enough. Don’t judge them in a comparison and don’t adopt a holier-than-thou attitude. Follow your own Enough and let it be your guide in decisions.